Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Is He Worth It?

Time is of the essence when it comes to meeting Mr. Right. Here's how to tell if the one you're seeing now is worth your while.

For Weeps

He's got roving eyes
As long as you're the hottest girl in the room, you'll have his undivided attention. However, should a leggier lass in a shorter skirt walk by, his eyes would follow in her direction.

He talks too much
If his idea of a conversation involves a 20-minute monologue on his brilliant saves on the soccer field, walk out immediately.

He only says yes
It's great that a guy respects your opinions but if he constantly gives in to whatever you want, the yes-man will soon bore the hell out of you.

He orders you about
Even in this age of sexual equality, ladies should still be treated like ladies. If he oreders you to fetch his newspapers, get the car and answers the phone, drop him like a hot potato!

He's always unavailable
We're not asking for a man to be our second shadow but surely it's reasonable to expect him to be around when we're down with the flu? If you're hearing his voicemail more than from him, reconsider.

He's indecisive
You can't get him to make up his mind on anything. Ask him if he's available for dinner on the day after tomorrow, and he'll give a non-committal reply. Commitment-phobe alert!

For Keeps

He listens
He shows a genuine interest in what you have to say and respects your opinions. When you're talking, he responds appropriately to show he's paying attention.

He's spontaneous
He's always suggesting interesting things the two of you could do together. This shows he makes an effort to keep the flames of desire burning.

He compliments you
He notices your new earrings and says how pretty they look on you. You make a clever comment and he smiles indulgently at you like you're the most intelligent girl on the planet.

He gives you space
Personal time is important whether you're single or in a relationship. A man who respects your space and doesn't control you trusts you and has faith in his own charms.

He's affectionate
Ever notice how men tend to clam up and act all macho in public? If he doesn't think twice about giving you a hug or calling you "honey" or "dear" in front of his friends, he's definitely a keeper!

He challenges you
Being in a relationship isn't only about doing romantic things. He wants the best for you and will tell you if he thinks you need to work harder at your career.

Extracted from CLEO magazine November 2005 issue.


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